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Setting up Your Grant

The information on this page will help guide you through the next steps to successfully start your project. The Project Start Decision Tree contains information that will direct you to the right contacts within the Research, Engagement and Innovation Office to assist you in proceeding with your grant.

Congratulations on receiving confirmation that your project has been successfully funded. To help get started on your project there are three questions which you will need to initially consider. These are

  1. Is UoR the sole applicant? – this relates to the contracting situation
  2. Do you intend to pay a supplier for goods and/or services from research funding? – this is to ascertain if procurement may be required or a collaboration agreement/subcontract
  3. Do you need to recruit staff and/or students? – this is to understand any recruitment related issues so advice can be provided

Please consider each of the three questions and discuss the next steps with the appropriate REIO contact as appropriate. Please also read through the relevant Grant Handbook (Directly Commissioned Industry Handbook or Open Competition Handbook) which will guide you on getting to the stage where you can start your project.

What Happens Next?

  1. Once you have been notified that your application has been successful, please let the Project Setup Officer know so that we can start the post award processes. Funders have specific acceptance procedures for grants and we will help you to understand what will be required and what information will be required make sure you pay attention to any deadlines mentioned in the communication.
  2. Only REIO has the delegated authority to accept the award on your behalf - we will always check the details, including the amount offered, start date and any unusual terms and conditions, with you prior to accepting the funding.
  3. Once we have confirmation of your award, your project will be set up on the finance system and you will receive a project number (e.g. H1111111 if a research project). You are only able to start spending against your project budget once you have received this project number. If any collaboration or other agreements are required as part of your project we will ensure the Contracts Team has been alerted.
  4. The information below explains the actions you need to take and those which you can expect the REIO teams to carry out on your behalf.

Project Lead Should:

  • Send the award letter to the Research, Engagement and Innovation Office
  • If there is any recruitment, procurement highlight this as a priority
  • Ensure that you have provided all necessary information about any research collaborators to REIO, including contact names and details
  • Provide details to the Contracts Team of any informal discussions you have been having, including details of your contacts and areas discussed so far
  • Begin to contact the relevant departments for your project e.g. HR for job descriptions; data manager for Data Policy developmentProcurement for purchasing activity; research publications adviser for  and
  • Refer to the guidance relating to international travel

Research Services Will:

  • Accept award on behalf of the University for certain funders
  • Negotiate terms and conditions/contracts/subcontracts (with input from Project Lead on research-specific elements as required)
  • Accept/sign acceptance letters/ offers of funding

Research Accounts will:

  • Complete any relevant starting procedures
  • Set up finance codes and notify Project Lead
  • Issue Project Lead pack with information about ongoing financial management of the award
  • Undertake ongoing financial reporting
  • Provide monthly financial reports


The below timings are indicative - the time taken for a specific project may vary depending on factors such as complexity and funder terms and conditions. Please contact the Project Setup Officer as early as possible to establish a timeframe for the project.

  • Award Accepted by the Research, Engagement and Innovation Office on the online platform -  1-3 days from receipt of Project Leads confirmation that they wish to accept the award (unless terms require negotiation or contracts are required)
  • Project approval on finance system and project number issued - 1-3 days from award acceptance
  • PI information pack issued by Research Accounts - 1-3 weeks from project number being issued
  • Starting certificate returned (for funders that require it) - Upon start of eligible expenditure