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University Research Fellowships

The University Committee for Research & Innovation (UCRI) is supporting up to five University Research Fellowships which provide Â£15,000 to successful applicants to cover teaching replacement costs and research expenses. Fellowships will be for the duration of one year and can be taken by part-time staff on a fractional basis over two years.

The University Research Fellowships are intended to support researchers in the arts, humanities, and social sciences across the four University research themes. This year there will be two types of Fellowship:

Route A Fellowships (Innovation) will support the development of Mid-Career research leaders, and projects will show a demonstrable step-change in terms of significance and ambition. Successful applicants will be supported to develop research leadership through mentoring and training, where appropriate. Support for this career stage has been prioritised in response to feedback received through the Research Culture Survey (2023). Eligibility criteria for these Mid-Career Fellowships are set out in the guidance. Applicants for Route A should submit directly to the Research Deans Office by 25 March 2025.

Route B Fellowships are open to researchers at all career stages in the arts, humanities, and social sciences to complete monographs (or other long-form outputs) intended for submission to REF 2029 as double-weighted outputs. This funding call responds to feedback received through the Research Culture Survey (2023) and aims to support both career development for individual researchers and division planning for the next REF exercise. Applicants for Route B should submit to their RDL, who will subsequently select ONE application per division for submission to the Research Deans Office by 25 March 2025. In exercising judgment, RDLs are asked to be mindful of equality, diversity and inclusion considerations and the need to support a positive research culture.

Holders of active internal University Fellowships or RETF Open Call awards will not be eligible to apply until such time as their current awards are successfully completed.

Please note that application is by form only. The deadline for submission of applications to researchdeansoffice@reading.ac.uk is Tuesday 25 March 2025.

The full criteria and application forms can be found here:  

Route A Fellowships – Innovation (Mid-Career Researchers) – applicant submits directly to Research Deans Office by 25 March.

Route B Fellowships – Monograph Completion (all career stages) – applicant submits to RDL; RDL selects ONE application per division and submits to Research Deans Office by 25 March.