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Dr Lidija Pasuljevic Shimwell

Lidija Pasuljevic Shimwell portrait

On leave for academic year 24-25

I teach and convene French Stages 1, 3 & French with academic placement in France modules.


Miller 101

Building location

Miller building

Areas of interest

I hold a PhD in Philological Sciences from the University of Belgrade. In tandem with my PhD, I worked as a French teacher. I taught French to a wide range of students, in a variety of settings, covering CEFR levels A1-C1 (General French & French for Specific Purposes). Prior to this, I graduated with a BA in French Language and Literature from the University of Belgrade.

My research interests are in Applied Linguistics with particular focus on the French Language Teaching Methodology and the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).


I teach and convene French Stages 1, 3 & French with academic placement in France modules.

Selected publications

1. Pasuljević Shimwell, L. (2018). Istraživanje kognitivno-akademske jezičke sposobnosti učenika uključenih u srpsko-francusku CLIL nastavu u Srbiji: analiza rezultata testiranja iz predmeta istorija na francuskom jeziku [The Research of Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency of Students Involved in the French CLIL in Serbia: Analysis of Results of the History Test in the French Language]. Metodički vidici, 9(9), 297-317. Available at:

2. Pasuljević, L. (2015). Dvojezična nastava na francuskom jeziku u Srbiji: istraživanje receptivnih veština učenika [Bilingual Instruction in The French Language in Serbia: Research of Students’ Receptive Skills]. Primenjena lingvistika, 16, 131-142.

3. Pasuljević, L. (2013). Le mot femme dans les dictionnaires français: analyse socioculturelle [Word Femme in the French Dictionaries: Sociocultural Analysis]. Anali Filološkog fakulteta, 25(1), 107-120.

Conferences attended

Keynote Speaker at Colloque International Convivial III, Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia, 15-18 August 2019.


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