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Mariana Gonzalez Boluda

Dr Mariana Gonzalez Boluda portrait

Social Media Officer, Department of Languages and Cultures


Miller 125

Building location

Miller building

Areas of interest

  • Third language acquisition in multilingual contexts
  • Film in language teaching to develop intercultural competence and encourage autonomous learning
  • Hybrid language teaching and learning in Higher Education and the development of writing skills in virtual environments
  • Multimodal projects and critical pedagogies
  • Sustainability in language teaching


I convene and teach SP2L4 / SP3L4 (Advanced Spanish Language II)
I co-teach on the following modules:
Advanced Spanish I (SP2L3, SP3L3)

Research centres and groups

I am currently involved in two Special Interest groups

  • SIG ELE UK‘Decolonisation of Spanish language teaching in Higher Education in the UK’
  • SIG AULC 'Pedagogical approaches to language variation'

I am also part of the following educational research networks


I have over twenty years’ experience of teaching language, culture and linguistics in France, Jamaica, the USA and the UK in a variety of settings and with students from diverse backgrounds. I am constantly exploring new pedagogical tools for language learning and encouraging collaborative work and student engagement in the classroom.  All of my research in applied linguistics guides my teaching approach. I am currently researching about the impact of integrating multimodal projects and critical pedagogies to engage students in critical dialogue about social justice, inequalities and environmental issues in the Spanish-speaking world.

Academic qualifications

Academic Qualifications:

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • PhD in Applied Linguistics (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)
  • MEd in Open and Distance Education Learning. ( UNED, Spain)
  • DEA, Diploma of Advanced Studies Development of Multimedia and New Methodologies in Foreign Language Teaching (UNED, Spain)
  • BA in Hispanic Philology (University of Murcia, Spain)

Professional bodies/affiliations

I am a member of

Selected publications


  • Edited book 
    Contributors: Mariana González Boluda; Yanira Mesalina Ramírez Cruz; Carolina Lorenzo Ãlvarez
    Educación y conocimiento como ejes del pensamiento crítico
    Experiencias innovadoras y significativas
    Editorial Octaedro


  • Multimodal approach based on digital projects: Strategies to integrate critical pedagogies in the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Roig Vila, R. (Ed.) Actas  ICON, 2nd International Congress Education and Knowledge, Universidad de Alicante, Spain, 2023


  • Online Language Learning in a University Context in the USA and the UK. Roig Vila, R. (Ed.) Actas ICON, 1st International Congress Education and Knowledge, Universidad de Alicante, Spain, 2022


  • Nuevas tecnologías para el desarrollo de la destreza escrita en estudiantes universitarios jamaicanos,
  • Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2020


  • Implementación de la Modalidad Online para el Aprendizaje de ELE en un contexto universitario en Estados Unidos, chapter published in Casos de éxito en aprendizaje ubicuo y social mediado con tecnologías, Red EuLES, Entornos uLearning en educación superior, 2018, 43-52 Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain 


  • earning Spanish Agreement in a multilingual university context: the case of Jamaican students, Boletín de Lingüística, XXVIII/45-46 / Ene - Dic, 2016: 27-43 Universidad Central de Venezuela.


  • Towards an intercultural perspective in Manuals of Spanish as a Foreign Language, Journal Zona Próxima, No 22, 2015, 216-225, Universidad del Norte, Colombia


  • Redes sociales para el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras en un contexto  
  • universitario. En Gorka, J. Palazio (Ed.) Actas de Ikasnabar 2013. VI Congreso
  • Internacional sobre Educación Abierta y Tecnología. MOOCs, PLEs y plataformas
  • de eLearning. Leioa: Universidad del País Vasco


  • Use of Blogs and Social Networks for Foreign Language Learning in a University Context, Journal Núcleo No 29, 2012, 39-57, Central University of Venezuela
  • Exploring autonomous learning as a way of improving Foreign Language proficiency in Jamaican Tertiary Education. The UWI Quality Education Forum. Special Peer - Reviewed Issue on the Teaching / Learning Process at the University Level. University of the West Indies, Jamaica. January 2012
  • Towards Language Learner Autonomy in Higher Education through the use of Blogs and Wikis, Journal Zona Próxima, No 16, 2012 14-29, from the Universidad del Norte, Colombia


  • Comparative study of online translators: Systran, Reverso and Google
  • Journal Núcleo No 27, 2010,187-216, Central University of Venezuela, Caracas


Conference presentations


  • Integración de pedagogías críticas: Diversidad e inclusión en el aprendizaje de ELE, 34th International ASELE and ELE UK Conference, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Enfoque multimodal basado en proyectos de justicia social en la enseñanza de ELE, Virtual USATIC 2024, Ubicuo y Social: Aprendicaje con TIC, Red EuLES, University of Zaragoza, Spain
  • Aprendizaje inclusivo a través de un enfoque multimodal en la enseñanza de ELE en el ámbito universitario ICON EDU, International Congress: Education and Knowledge, University of Alicante, Spain 


  • Enfoque multimodal basado en proyectos digitales: Estrategias para la integración de pedagogías críticas en la enseñanza de español lengua extranjera presented at the ICON EDU, International Congress: Education and Knowledge, University of Alicante, Spain
  • 'Gender-inclusive language, Didactic activities in the MFL classroom' student-staff collaborative research showcase organized by the University of Leicester, UK


  • Lenguaje inclusivo: Estrategias para su integración en la enseñanza de español lengua extranjera, International Symposium “Lenguaje inclusivo: ¿una rebelión imparable o la desnaturalización de la lengua?” University College Cork, Ireland
  • Online Language Learning in a University Context in the USA and the UK,I International Congress: Education and Knowledge ICON- Edu, 2022, University of Alicante, Spain


  • Uso y valoración de plataformas digitales (Blackboard Collaborate, Microsoft Teams y Zoom) en contextos de enseñanza superior de aprendizaje de lenguas, 8th International Conference “Good practices with New Technologies”, University of Málaga, Spain


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