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Dr Karine Deslandes

  • Lecturer and module convenor
  • Library Liaison
  • French Outreach 
  • Joint Honours Liaison


Miller 113

Building location

Miller Building

Areas of interest


I have over twenty years’ experience of teaching French language and culture modules in Higher Education institutions in Ireland and Britain. I have taught  language modules (integrated skills) at all levels from ab-initio to advanced levels. As my disciplinary background is in Cultural Studies, I have also taught Culture modules on French politics, regional cultures and identities in France, and the Francophonie.


My research profile is interdisciplinary: politics/international relations/history/media discourse analysis. I studied the representation of the Northern Ireland Conflict (1968-1998) in the French press (newspapers from different political persuasions). I published a monograph: Regard français sur le conflit nord-irlandais, in 2013 and then co-edited Civil War and Narrative: Testimony, Historiography, Memory in 2017.


  • I convene and teach the following first-year and second-year modules: FR1L2 and FR2L2 (Intermediate French Language), FR1L3, FR2L3 (Advanced French Language I)
  • I convene and co-teach the final-year modules FR3L6 and FR3L6C (Advanced French Language III)
  • I co-teach the first-year module FR1L1 (Beginners French Language) and the second-year module FR2L4 (Advanced French Language II)

Academic qualifications

  • BA in Applied Languages (German, English) (University Francois Rabelais of Tours, France)
  • MA in Irish Studies (University of La Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3, France)
  • PhD in French Studies (University of Ulster, UK)
  • Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, UK

Selected publications

  • ‘Immixtion du conflit nord-irlandais dans la vie politique française : le reportage des grèves de la faim en 1981 dans L’Humanité et Libération’, Études Irlandaises 35.1, 55-67, 2010.
  • ‘L’Humanité et Libération : porte-parole français de la rébellion irlandaise ?’, in Y. Bévant, A. Goarzin & G. Neville (eds), France, Ireland and Rebellion, 115-132 (Rennes : Tir, 2011).
  • ‘Les années noires en Irlande du Nord : la mémoire collective française des Troubles (1968-1998) à travers le reportage des journalistes français’, in S. Mikowski (ed.), Histoire et mémoire en France et en Irlande / History and Memory in France and Ireland, 210-236 (Reims : ÉPURE, 2011).
  • Regard français sur le conflit nord-irlandais (Peter Lang, 2013), 256 pp. [reviewed in Etudes Irlandaises 39.1, 229-231, 2014].
  • ‘Ian Paisley: Generating French Perceptions of an Ulster Loyalist Leader’, in B. Keatinge & M. Pierce (eds), France and Ireland in the Public Imagination, Reimagining Ireland series Vol.55, 115-132 (Bern: Peter Lang, 2014).
  • Civil War and Narrative: Testimony, Historiography, Memory (edited with F. Mourlon and B. Tribout), (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017).
  • ‘French Perspectives on the Northern Ireland Peace Process and the Good Friday/ Belfast Agreement’. Open Library of Humanities, 4(1): 28 (2018), pp. 1-28.
  • ‘Sorj Chalandon’ and ‘Serge July’ entries, in M. Abecassis, M. Block, G. Ledegen & M. Penalver Vicea (eds), Le grain de la voix dans le monde anglophone et francophone, Modern French Identities Vol. 130, The Voices Project, 251 & 269 (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019)


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