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Professor Peter Lansley

Areas of interest

-          The role of the construction industry in the UK economy.

-          Innovation in the construction industry.

-          The organisation and effectiveness of construction and engineering businesses; their strategies and leadership.

-          The personal development of senior members of construction and engineering businesses.

-          The design of products and of the natural and built environment to support individuals of all abilities.


Since 1972, through research, consulting and management training programmes, Peter Lansley has been intimately involved with helping construction firms improve their business performance. In 1997, working alongside EPSRC and other research councils, he became closely involved with initiatives to raise the profile of the needs of older and disabled people, and developing research programmes to meet these needs.

He has been consulted frequently by governments on the evaluation and assessment of research and innovation programmes, and has provided written and oral evidence to several UK parliamentary committees, including those concerned with the health of the working population, research into ageing, and the organisation of care services in later life. He has served on numerous national and some international committees of academic, professional and industry bodies, and as a trustee of several charities involved with construction and with others engaged with health research.

Peter Lansley has published over three hundred books, papers and articles, largely concerned with human and organisational performance in the construction industry, innovation, and, most recently, issues relating to ageing and disability.

He is one of the few academics to have received a major innovation award from industry, in this case for the development of an internationally acclaimed management development system. He has also enjoyed recognition for his work in the field of inclusive design, as well as for championing the role of the Occupational Therapist.

Academic qualifications

BSc 1968 (Mathematics, University of Leicester)

MSc 1969 (Statistics, University of Newcastle)

PhD 1990 (Construction Management, 17勛圖)

Awards and honours

MBE, appointed January 2014

Professional bodies/affiliations

Fellow, Royal Statistical Society, elected 1969

Member, Chartered Institute of Building, joined 1989

Honorary Fellow, Royal College of Occupational Therapists, awarded 2008


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