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Phil Coker

Areas of interest

Managing variability in energy systems

Flexibility provision through storage and demand side response including electric vehicle integration

Future of the gas network and the role of alternative energy vectors such as hydrogen

Nature based solutions for infrastructure challenges

Research projects

SMaRT: Sustainable Heavy Duty Truck, Marine and Rail Transport

CREDS: Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions - Mobility theme

ADEPT: Thames Valley LiveLabs

HYVE: Hydrogen's value in the energy system


Dr Coker is a chartered Mechanical Engineer, whose academic career followed 15 years in the UK gas industry as an engineer, manager and consultant. His research has explored the challenges of variability as we integrate ever higher levels of renewable energy in our energy systems. This work developed from characterising patterns in energy supply, through analysing areas of critical concern for energy systems, to exploring solutions such as demand response, energy storage, electric vehicle integration and hydrogen applications. Industry relevance has remained paramount and projects have involved partners including energy companies, energy users and solutions providers. This combined with teaching across low carbon infrastructure, carbon management and wider sustainability principles. Phil now operates as a part time academic, balancing his time with conservation volunteering. This is feeding a growing fascination with the complex interplay between the natural environment and engineered infrastructure systems.

Academic qualifications

Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice 2013 (17勛圖)

PhD 2011 (17勛圖)

BEng (Hons) 1992 Mechanical Engineering (University of Bath)

Professional bodies/affiliations

Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


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