Gill has published on the twelfth-century letters of Peter the Venerable, including literary analysis of his correspondence with Bernard of Clairvaux. More recently she has published on late antique and early medieval verse-letters. She is currently working on a review-article of a new edition of Venantius Fortunatus' Life of St Martin as well as collaborating with a locally-based colleague on researching the history of Duncliffe Wood in Dorset under the aegis of the Woodland Trust.
Her publications include:
The correspondence between Peter the Venerable and Bernard of Clairvaux: a semantic and structural analysis (Ashgate 2002)
- ‘A new edition of Venantius Fortunatus: the art of translation’, Exemplaria Classica 22 (2018), 129–137 (review-article of Michael Roberts edition of Venantius Fortunatus, Poems)
- 'Talking letter, singing pipe: modalities of performance at the Carolingian court’, AHDLMA 79 (2012), 7–47
- ‘The parameters of epistolarity: mapping the verse-epistle in Venantius Fortunatus’, Res Publica Litterarum 29 (2006), 21–45
- ‘Ausonius to Axius Paulus: metapoetics and the Bissula’, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 149 (2006), 369–385
- ‘Friendship and erotics in the late antique verse-epistle: Ausonius to Paulinus revisited’, Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 148 (2005), 361–403
- ‘Politics and pastoral care: papal schism in some letters of Peter the Venerable’, Revue Bénédictine 109 (1999), 359–390
- ‘Uses and abuses of amicitia: the correspondence between Peter the Venerable and Hato of Troyes’, 17勛圖 Medieval Studies 23 (1997), 35–67
- ‘The language of retreat and the eremitic ideal in some letters of Peter the Venerable’, Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 63 (1996), 7–43
- ‘Chrétien de Troyes: his “rhetoric of love”’, 17勛圖 Medieval Studies 14 (1988), 77–110