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Food Safety and Hygiene


This short course is aimed at providing basic food safety and hygiene information and advice for departments handling food for human consumption. The ultimate aim is to prevent food poisoning.


  • Provide information on good personal food hygiene practice
  • Provide information on good practice relating to premises and equipment
  • Provide information on good operational food safety practice
  • Provide information on the basics of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and risk assessment
  • Provide information on the basic legal requirements relating to food safety


Newly appointed staff and students carrying out project work in food handling areas, where food is provided for human consumption e.g. in Food Biosciences sensory analysis. The course is also designed for staff carrying out ad-hoc departmental duties e.g. providing food at parties and conferences, and staff handling low risk food i.e. confectionery.*

Handling low risk and wrapped foods in Food Areas

A Level 1 Food Safety Award is required for staff in Food Areas who handle low-risk or wrapped foods, and for employees who work in a food area, but do not directly handle food e.g. waiting or cash point employees, kitchen porters and cleaners.

A Level 2 Food Safety Award is desirable for all other persons working in Food Areas who are involved in the handling of any food, including low risk and wrapped foods.

A Level 2 Food Safety Award is required if handling open high risk foods. Staff must complete training before being allowed to handle open high risk foods.

Staff who handle food on an occasional basis, not in Food Areas

A Level 1 Food Safety Award is required for a person that handles food on an occasional basis, for example to lay out food for a small department or charity event, and is not employed as 'food handlers'.

A Level 2 Food Safety Award is required for staff who cook or prepare food for barbeques at University/departmental events.

If you are completing the Level 2 course, you do not need to take the Level 1 course first.


Attendees should have read the Food Safety and Hygiene Safety Guide: Food Safety and Hygiene


If you wish to undertake this course please complete the Food Safety and Hygiene online training request.

The course is provided by an external company and the cost of the course is recharged to the relevant department.

If you are completing the Level 2 course, you do not need to take the Level 1 course first.

Please include a project code when requesting this course. Costs are, currently, £21 for level 1 training and £30 for level 2 training.

See also

Health and Safety Services

Things to do now

Contact Health & Safety Services: