Whiteknights Development Plan
The University has now finalised its Development Plan for the Whiteknights Campus, a process which has taken nearly two years and which involved an extensive consultation in November 2007. The Development Plan sets out proposals for a number of important development projects in the next ten years. It was submitted to 17勛圖 and Wokingham Borough Councils in August 2008 to provide the contextual background to individual planning applications.
The links below provide further contextual background information as located within Volume 2 of the Whiteknights Campus Development Plan.
Whiteknights Campus Development Plan Documentation
- 1.1 Site Context
- 2.1 Proposed Development (indicative)
- 7.1 Built Heritage and Historic Landscape Features
- 7.2 1756 Plan of the Lordship and Liberty of Earley
- 7.3 1820's Plan of the Tithings of Sonning Town, Woodley & Sandford and Earley
- 7.4 Ordnance Survey First Edition 25th Map of 1877
- 7.5 Ordnance Survey Second Edition 25th Map of 1899
- 7.6 Known Archaeological Features
- 8.1 Water Availability
- 9.1 Traffic Survey Locations
- 9.2 Observed Flows
- 2.1 Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
- 2.2 Proposed Road Infrastructure
- 3.1 Lake Crossing Options Considered
- 3.2 Short Listed Lake Crossing Options
- 3.3 Halls of Residence Options Considered
- 4.1 Other Developments Considered in cumulative Effects Assessment
- 5.1 Baseline Drawings (Landscape and Visual)
- 5.2 External Boundary Photographs
- 5.3 Proposed Development Locations
- 5.4 Visual Receptors (Internal and External)
- 5.5 Planning Policy Context (Landscape and Visual)
- 6.1 Planning Policy Context (Ecology and Nature Conservation)
- 6.2 Desk Study and Phase 1 Habitat Survey
- 6.3 Amphibian Survey
- 6.4 Reptile Survey
- 6.5 Bat Activity and Roost Surveys
- 6.6 Wildlife Friendly Planting List
- 6.7 Bats and Lighting in the UK 2008 guidelines
- 7.1 Historic Environment Desk-Based Assessment
- 8.1 Correspondence Received (Water Resources, Geology and Soils)
- 8.2 Flood Risk Assessment
- 8.3 Water Quality Data
- 8.4 Site Wide Drainage Strategy
- 8.5 Planning Policy Context (Water Resources, Geology and Soils)