Below you can find a collection of resources for careers in several regions around the globe.
Africa and Middle East
Asia and Russia
Oceana and Australia
The America's
UK and Europe
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Useful links for starting an international career
Below you can find a collection of resources for careers in several regions around the globe.
Vacancies and information for recent graduates
Vacancies with companies across Africa, Asia and MENA
Information on a number of international companies
Listing foreign embassies and information on travel and visas
Recruitment consultancy specialising in Africa, MENA, Asia and Central Europe
Job opportunities across the continent, with detailed information on Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya
For students and graduates from the Gulf region who are studying in the UK
Details of international and national companies
Career resources for finding working in South Africa
Careers information, jobs, events and networking for African professionals
Working in the UAE
Ten week placements at an African SME for MBA/MPA graduates
Database of chambers of commerce and boards of trade around
Opportunities in the Study, Work, Create section
Information on international companies
List of foreign embassies in the UK and information on travel and visas
Recruitment consultancy specialising in Asia Pacific, African, MENA and Central European candidates
- for students and graduates from Southeast Asia who are studying in the UK
Guide to working in Singapore, including graduate jobs and internships
Details of international and national companies
Careers resources for China, India, Malaysia and Singapore
Careers resources for China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, South Korea and Sri Lanka
Database of chambers of commerce and boards of trade around the world
- China, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong
Chinese Language job sites
English Language job sites
Information on international companies
Listing of foreign embassies in the UK, and visa and travel information
The top 100 graduate employers in Australia
Details of international and national companies
Careers resources for Australia and New Zealand
Careers resources for Australia and New Zealand
Database of chambers of commerce and boards of trade around the world
Information on international companies
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
Listing of foreign embassies in the UK, and visa and travel information
International and national companies
Working in the USA
Careers resources forÂ
Database of chambers of commerce and boards of trade around the world
Graduateland sources roles specifically for graduates in the US
 offers advice for expats working around the world
Opportunities in the Study, Work, Create section
Job portal focusing specifically on Denmark. Connect with companies and search for roles in Denmark.
(Entry Park)
Information about living, studying and working in Europe, with a database of job opportunities
Graduate opportunities across Europe
Listing of foreign embassies in the UK, and visa and travel information
International recruitment consultancy specialising in central and Eastern Europe
Information for PhD's on moving into employment in France and other countries
Database of chambers of commerce and boards of trade around the world